FOUDRE Une légende en quatre saisons

Par où tout a commencé…

13 janvier 2013 /

Par Manuela Morgaine

Il y a maintenant dix ans…. France Culture me passe la commande d’une pièce radiophonique sur le thème des énergies. C’est Le ciel électrique. Disponible en téléchargement ici

Je choisis la foudre, attirée par son intensité et ses caprices. Je commence des recherches et découvre l’existence de chasseurs d’éclairs, hommes allant à la foudre, risquant leurs vies pour elle afin d’en capturer l’image fixe et en mouvement.

Le réel dépasse la fiction. J’entre en contact avec la fiction. Je rencontre plusieurs chasseurs d’éclairs dans différentes régions de France. Le goût du risque, de l’aventure, du romanesque, et aussi la forme de la foudre, son tracé, comme une nouvelle écriture du ciel, tout cela exerce sur moi une véritable fascination. Cette humeur blanche du ciel, ce zig zag liquide et solide à la fois, hallucine une semence. Pour le chasseur d’éclairs, l’expérience de la foudre est hallucinatoire et érotique. Le coup de foudre amoureux, au delà du jeu de mots, sa force de frappe est alors indissociable de l’aventure. Dans tous les cas il y a chocs, impacts, conséquences.

J’explore le zig zag de cette forme élémentaire abstraite : l’éclair. J’examine comment il brûle, marque et tue. Je cherche le contact des foudroyés, leurs histoires. Je lis, je parle avec des foudroyés, ceux qui en sont revenus. Je sens intuitivement un lien entre leurs récits et ceux des témoins de la pluie noire d’Hiroshima, de Nagasaki, ainsi que celui des déportés. Dans tous les cas ce sont des vivants-revenants qui ont fait l’expérience d’un obscurcissement et de corps réduits aux cendres. C’est terriblement sombre et terriblement clair à la fois. Qu’est-ce que toute cette charge émouvante d’électricité ? Je cherche ses vertus et découvre de près et pendant plusieurs mois, auprès d’un psychiatre, la pratique des électrochocs sur des mélancoliques, c’est à dire des sujets frappés d’humeur noire.

Humeurs du ciel et humeurs de l’âme sont désormais le sujet d’un long métrage de fiction Foudre. Icelectric est la préfiguration de ce film à venir.

La glace est là pour recevoir l’impact, nous protéger, fait figure de paratonnerre, mais dans le même temps conserve les images et nous donne à voir ces variations sur le thème de la foudre.By Manuela Morgaine

10 years ago now… France Culture commissioned a radio piece from me on the theme of energies. It was entitled The Electric Sky. Available for download here.

I chose lightning, attracted by its intensity and its whims. I started researching and discovered the existence of lightning hunters, men who seek lightning out, risking their lives to capture it in still and moving images.

Reality is stranger than fiction. I came into contact with many lightning hunters in various regions of France. The taste of danger, of adventure, of the fanciful, and also the form of lightning, its etchings, like a new form of sky-writing. All of this exerted a real fascination on me. The sky’s white humor, this simultaneously liquid and solid zigzag hallucinates secretion. For the lightning hunter, the experience of the bolt is hallucinatory and erotic. Beyond the play on words (in French “coup de foudre” means “lightning strike” but also “love at first sight”), the force of the strike goes hand in hand with adventure. In every case there are shocks, impacts, consequences.

I explore the zigzag in this elemental abstract form: the bolt. I examine how it burns, scars, and kills. I look for contact with the stricken, their stories. I read, I speak with the stricken, those who came back. I intuitively feel a link between their narratives and the narratives of those who witnessed the black rain of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or who were deported. In all cases these ‘living ghosts’ experienced a darkening, their bodies reduced to ashes. It’s terribly dark and terribly bright at the same time. What is this stirring electrical charge? I’m looking for its virtues, and have learned from a psychiatrist, close-up and for several months, about the use of electroshock-therapy on melancholy patients—that is to say subjects suffering from dark moods.

Humors of the sky and humors of the soul were from then on the subject of the narrative feature-film LIGHTNING. Iceelectric prefigures the film to come.

Ice is there to absorb impact, to protect us, to act as a lightning rod, but at the same time to conserve the images and show us these variations on the theme of lightning.

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How it all started…

13 janvier 2013 /

10 years ago now… France Culture commissioned a radio piece from me on the theme of energies. It was entitled The Electric Sky. Available for download here.

I chose lightning, attracted by its intensity and its whims. I started researching and discovered the existence of lightning hunters, men who seek lightning out, risking their lives to capture it in still and moving images.

Reality is stranger than fiction. I came into contact with many lightning hunters in various regions of France. The taste of danger, of adventure, of the fanciful, and also the form of lightning, its etchings, like a new form of sky-writing. All of this exerted a real fascination on me. The sky’s white humor, this simultaneously liquid and solid zigzag hallucinates secretion. For the lightning hunter, the experience of the bolt is hallucinatory and erotic. Beyond the play on words (in French “coup de foudre” means “lightning strike” but also “love at first sight”), the force of the strike goes hand in hand with adventure. In every case there are shocks, impacts, consequences.

I explore the zigzag in this elemental abstract form: the bolt. I examine how it burns, scars, and kills. I look for contact with the stricken, their stories. I read, I speak with the stricken, those who came back. I intuitively feel a link between their narratives and the narratives of those who witnessed the black rain of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or who were deported. In all cases these ‘living ghosts’ experienced a darkening, their bodies reduced to ashes. It’s terribly dark and terribly bright at the same time. What is this stirring electrical charge? I’m looking for its virtues, and have learned from a psychiatrist, close-up and for several months, about the use of electroshock-therapy on melancholy patients—that is to say subjects suffering from dark moods.

Humors of the sky and humors of the soul were from then on the subject of the narrative feature-film LIGHTNING. Iceelectric prefigures the film to come.

Ice is there to absorb impact, to protect us, to act as a lightning rod, but at the same time to conserve the images and show us these variations on the theme of lightning.

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Nicolas Dehorter / translations David H. Pickering