LIGHTNING A legend in four seasons


Lightning a legend in four seasons

Posthumes, a 16mm film in 1994.

Va, a 35mm film based on Casanova, with Yann Collette, at the MK2 Beaubourg cinema in Paris, and at the l’usine Lu in Nantes, between 1999 and 2001, during the festival Paris Cinéma in Paris at the MK2 Quai de Seine in 2003.

A L’ouest, a 52’ DV film, 2003.  (clicking on the link then click movies)

Paraïso, an 11′ film produced by Envers Compagnie, 2001. (Click on the link to see it)

Si une hirondelle ne fait pas le printemps, laquelle ? a 94’ DV film in coproduction with Artistes&Associés, 2007. by clicking on the link then click movies

Pathos Mathos, a 59’ DV film produced by Mezzanine Films with funding from the Centre National du Cinéma and the CNAP, 2007 (the wintertime of Foudre, a feature film in four seasons).

The Legend of Symeon, a 44’ DV film produced by Mezzanine Films with funding from the CNAP, 2008 (the springtime of Foudre).

Apocalypse 2,2, a 20’ DV film produced by Envers Compagnie, 2009.

Baal, an 87’ DV film produced by Mezzanine Films & Envers Compagnie in 2009 (the autumn season of Foudre).

Manyara, a 30’ DV film directed in Tanzania in 2011, produced by Envers Compagnie.

Atomes, a 45’ DV film produced by Mezzanine Films and Envers Compagnie, 2011, (the summertime of Foudre).

Foudre, a 230’ feature film in four seasons produced by Mezzanine Films and Envers Compagnie, 2012.

Selected at the 2013 Rotterdam International Film Festival (Bright Future section), at the Tmobile New Horizons Festival (Poland), at the Media Forum Film Festival of Moscow, at the International film festival (Beginning) of St Petersburg (September 2013), in the International film festival of Pune and Yashwant in India (January 2014), in the  Festival Detour on the road et Overlook 2014 of Rome, Italy (dicember 2014).

Maroccan Premiere of LIGHTNING in Marrakech 22/1/2015.

Selected at the Cinemistica film festival in Granada (Spain) in November 2019. Award for the best long feature movie.

Edition of the box coffret including 2 dvds + 1 book by the arthouse independant movie distributor  SHELLAC


Another world – those who come by sea – a cinematographic essay, vidéo color 33’ produced by Envers Compagnie, 2016.

In competition at the Hong Kong Art House Film Festival, Roma Cine Doc, Award for the best movie during the festival Detour on the road, Rome 2016, in competition at the  Mediterranean Film Festival et au Madeira Film Festival (Portugal) In Compétition in the  Section Art Vidéo of the Festival Côté Court,  Pantin 2017.

My name is/ Iask for the moon in collaboration with Lucile Latour, presented during the Festival L’ÉTAT DU MONDE 2017 at the Forum des Images, Paris 2017.

To know more about Manuela Morgaine visit her website ENVERS COMPAGNIE.

For more information on her career please visit her dedicated page.

Nicolas Dehorter / translations David H. Pickering